The Essential Keys To A Thriving Business

by nattanan23 (pixabay)
It is not too late to start or reinvent a business!

Maybe you are retired and looking for something to attach your now idle attention to.

Maybe you have an amazing idea for a side hustle that gets you excited at the thought of it.

Maybe you want to build another empire.

Maybe, like me, you just light up at the joys that helping others through life with what you have learned brings.

Whatever your reasons and purpose, you can be the owner of a business that thrives!

I managed to breakdown what a business continuously needs to stay viable and thriving.

We want to create and sustain businesses that give us purpose, and inspiration to others and has a definiteness of purpose that our communities can use to thrive.

I have found that are three main keys to having a business that thrives:

by fancycrave1 (pixabay)


Inspiration is critical to thriving and improving oneself and the community. You must be interested in what you do daily. if you are not inspired by your business venture, thriving and sustainability are almost impossible. Your inspiration will move the actions of your business daily. Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work and building this business or is it an obligation?


You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality, does not interest them at all.

No thriving impact here!

These persons grow weary pretty quickly because there is no inspiration or passion to sustain them during the difficult times. No reason to muster up “stick and stay” on the rough parts of the road to a successful thriving business.

Note: Without inspiration, you will not be motivated. Without daily motivation, you and your business will NOT thrive.

Photo by Polina Zimmerman:


Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you did not set goals, you would have no definite purpose. You must know where you are going so you can know when the beginning and results are realized. How could you possibly be thriving if you do not have a direction for your

company? Make a business plan for yourself.

Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, and boring but it is an Essential roadmap to thriving results.

Here are the basics of a business:

1. Goals,

2. Strategies,

3. Implementation Mapping

4. A Budget For That Implementation

So, write your plan and use it as a map/guidance.

Go ahead and include small milestones that can be completed in hours, days or weeks to keep you thriving and on the path toward results. Having a plan of action written down will place your ideas, hobbies, and musings, squarely in profession business mode.

You will also be excited (motivated) to chart your progress and can see immediate results on paper, or whatever app you are using to capture your plan.

I like Trello™.


There is someone in your sphere of people that will see the path you are going and increase your knowledge, cheer you on, help you network and, push you to keep going. These angels are only found in the community. And, remember, no one person knows all.

It is only in the community that we are vibrant, feel alive, and thrive.

Stay in communication. You are not creating your business for just you. You want people in your community to benefit from what your business is offering them.

You want to thrive and be useful.

All this requires communication with others.

A word on networking both in-person and online:

Mutual support is motivating!!!

Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is an invaluable aspect of creating and having thriving businesses.

Your created community will re-commit, re-motivate, and re-energize you on purpose.

You can see, hear and feel you are not alone. With the inspiration, motivation, and definite purpose also coming from your community, you will accomplish more in less time and have people around you that also thrive. This is a fun process you can adopt in your entire life right now.

Create it!

Get up, get out and Thrive!
