What to do when you are just “out of sorts”, “feel some kind of way”, or just plain don’t feel so good and cannot place why?

 My sister passed 2 yrs ago. Last weekend was her birthday. I am reminded that she passed young and I miss her very much. My spirit during most of the weekend was low to midland and I was sad for moments of the day.

So, I thought I would share with you what I do to lift my spirit so that low spirits do it last.

I am always on the lookout for new as well as tried and true therapies.

I have always been a curious researcher that seeks out all the stuff that makes a difference for my people in the area of mind, body, and spirit and detoxification.

I am always on the hunt for both the new and ancient remedies and therapies so I can bring you what works.

I bring you many alternatives so that you can find and use what meets your needs at any given time.

 Many people come to me after “trying everything.”

I find that “everything” is usually only in the synthetic medication category. Most of the ancient remedies that have been working for hundreds and even thousands of years may be lost to our generation.

Rest assured they are NOT lost to me so, now not lost to you.

I write these articles in the spirit of what my Ancestors called SANKOFA.

I want you to “return and get it”-pick back up these self-health and healing modalities for yourself.

I hope you are making a self-health toolbox to share with your generations. Or just refer them here.

 Here are 5 things you can do TODAY to lift your spirit:

1.  Meditation

Meditation is one of the greatest self-healing tools available and costs nothing! Meditation is a great way to spend a little of your time.

I like Walking Meditation:

Pick a destination.

As you take a step engage your senses.

What do you feel- the sun, a breeze….

What do you see- the trees swaying…

What do you hear- birds, water, kids splashing, playing.

Sitting Meditations:

Spend time in the quiet. Or put on some music without words to connect with your highest self.

2.  Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

I find that aromatherapy will both rejuvenate and re-balance your spirit.

Aromatherapy is used to nurture and support your spiritual healing.

 Make your own essential oils blends!

I did this blend below and placed it in a sachet on my pillow:

2 drops Jasmine

3 drops Rose

2 drops Neroli

3 drops Lavender

2 drops Bergamot

Always use % natural essential oils.

I use this one in different strengths for restful sleep, stress relief, and when I am deeply breathing in calm.

3. Breathe

Before Bed after my Meditations:


Feet shoulder-width apart.

Take 3 slow deep breaths using your diaphragm muscles:

Breathe in, belly makes melon

Breathe out, belly button touches spine.

It matters not if you breathe through the nose or mouth. The important thing here is diaphragm positions.

While you are breathing say to yourself:

I breathe in my life.

I breathe out anything that saps my strength and power.


Do not stop breathing to take note of what that anything is- JUST LET IT GO WITH THE NEXT INHALE.

Side effect: your back straightens and you feel taller and stronger. Your power is accessed in your breath and circulating in every cell in your body.

You can do these breaths lying down also:

Recline on your back with knees bent.

Place a book on your belly.

Notice when your belly ( diaphragm ) moves you are doing this correctly.

If your chest is moving - incorrect.

Mostly we breathe in our upper chest where all our stress is stored.

Breathing with your diaphragm releases this. It is near impossible to breathe deeply and keep stress in the upper body, back, and head.

Breathing in this manner also gives your heart a break. More on that later.

4.  Now

Be here in the present moment. Feel as you breathe where you are located. Feel the chair the floor the bed your breath right here, right now.

Even as you read this article you can focus on each instruction and the words in the present moment.

Whatever you are doing, focus on just that thing to completion. Be present for these things and you will find you can get, and stay present for your life.

 I spoke earlier about setting an intention on your walking meditations. Here is the Fifth way to lift your spirit.

5. Set an intention 

When I’m on the lookout for something new and useful for me, I set my intention on what it is I’m after. This is most helpful when I am researching specific articles on healing, balance, wellness, or detoxification.

I used all of these ways to write this article.

It was My sister's birthday weekend:

My intention:

Relief and release of my feelings both sad and joyful.

And to write an article about how I did this.

I then meditate on this intention while breathing in joy, celebration, and power. Breathing out sadness and grief.

I gave it a time frame and opened my spirit and heart.

I slept with my sachet peacefully.

Yes, I am sad at times.  I am a human being. The thing of it is, neither states linger for days or weeks! What always lasts longer is peace in my spirit and calmness in my heart.

Employ these five protocols above regularly and you will find your life once again more peaceful, and joyful with a lasting soaring spirit.

To your Health and Healing,

Doc Raheem
