


The fastest way to get something into your body is to drink it. Unless you get a shot or have an I.V. Put in, drinking is the fastest. I start here because many of you seem to think that eating “right, healthy”, clean etc. makes the most difference in your health and wellbeing. Nope, it is what you drink 1st.

Q- are you tired every morning? It is the last thing you had to drink that has you wake up slug like and dragging butt.

Q- do you want to feel more energized after a workout or walk? It is what you had to drink before and after that exercise.

Q- do you want to reduce your stress level throughout the day? It is what you grab to drink in between those tasks and assignments.

Q- do you want to lose weight? Yep, what you drink is the missing key to all those calorie counting die-its.

Maybe, you know this already and are looking for that level up edge of peak performance. 

Well, read on. 

Hydration is the key! All your had work watching what you eat and counting the carbs, etc. is sabotaged as soon as your body is not hydrated properly!

I Am not saying that what you eat is not important. What I Am saying is that if you are not drinking properly and, you body is constantly in a state of dehydration, what you eat has mostly no benefit on  your energy, vitality, aliveness, physique, mental sharpness, or peaceful spirit.


Most of you have piss poor hydration or simply no hydration at all.

Q- do you want to fell better, energized and have a razor sharp mind naturally?

Now, I must give you a new vocabulary here so that we are on the same page when we talk about natural, body aligned, drinking.

First is a word I borrowed from Japanese martial training:  Iyasu. This is healing,to heal or cure.

Also has a meaning is Ge’ez- meaning Joshua, Yasu, Yashu, Yesu, or just Jesus.

So, we are talking about drinking that heals.

Next is a word about Tea.

Since this is my site I talk a lot about drinking, and, Tea is the pervasive topic. 

Healing Tea specifically. 

Tea is not the ONLY thing I’ll speak about, but I thought we could start here given the title of my website and all. Lol


All Tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant.  

Everything else is a Tisane.

Let me say that differently.

Tea comes from tea plants, everything else is not tea but tisanes.

Tisanes are beverages made from the infusion or decoration of herbs, spices, or other plant material in HOT water.

Types of true teas:

Black  Green. Yellow  Oolong

You can Make a Variety of Tisanes from ANY edible plant material.

It is my hope that you benefit from whatever I share here. I Am wanting to motivate you to investigate further, and empower you to expand you personal Health goals into action.

Please share this information with someone that might want to do the same.

To your Healing,

Doc Raheem

  • LaVonn says:

    How many oz’s of water dose the body need daily?
    Great website!

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